Silver & Light Photography
Customizable photographic art for your home, office, website, and gifts
Hunter and I are blown away by the pictures that you took and literally gave me chills going through them today.
I am so grateful you did this artisan photography for our family to capture this precious moment in Hunter’s life and her accomplishments to date.
Thank you for bringing Hunter’s unique and challenging vision to life. You did so much scouting and detective work to find a place during a time period (2020) that had more challenges that climbing Mount Everest in an avalanche. You found such unique places to capture her vision." ~ Kriston
"Jonathan kept saying what a good time he had and how fun it was taking pics with you because you were excited about it, too!" ~ Julie
"Thank you so much for all your fabulous photos over the last 4 years. You've been such a blessing to so many of us who didn't share your gift. It's been great getting to know you and your family."
~ Mandy
Lydia just showed the [pictures you took] to me tonight and they are so beautiful! Thank you for taking pictures of my daughter over the years. We are thankful for the memories." ~ Tessa